AC and The Coca-Cola Foundation Support the Restoration of Parks

AC and The Coca-Cola Foundation Support the Restoration of Parks


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AC and The Coca-Cola Foundation Support the Restoration of Parks

Parque Mirasol _2

Monterrey, Mexico, January 28th, 2022.-Arca Continental, one of the top Coca-Cola bottlers in the world, is working with the municipal government of Monterrey, in Mexico, to restore public spaces. Working in collaboration with The Coca-Cola Foundation, The Nature Conservancy, and theUniversidad Autónoma de Nuevo León,the goal is to maintain and enhance the services offered by urban parks.

Marisol Park was the first such space in which restoration works begun, including the infrastructure to harvest and regulate rainwater for gardens, for incoming water and slopes, and for reforestation with native trees and bushes.

The park will offer valuable environmental services and recreational areas for its neighbors and students at nearby schools as part of a system that interconnects urban green spaces, which is promoted by the municipal government.

These actions confirm Arca Continental’s commitment to improving living conditions in the communities where it operates and are just one of its several initiatives to recover public spaces aimed at strengthening the social fabric.



About Arca Continental

Arca Continental produces, distributes, and markets beverages under The Coca-Cola Company brand, as well as snacks under the Bokados brand in Mexico, Inalecsa in Ecuador, and Wise in the United States. With an outstanding history spanning more than 95 years, Arca Continental is the second-largest Coca-Cola bottler in Latin America, and one of the largest in the world. Through its Coca-Cola franchise, the company serves more than 123 million people in the Northern and Western regions in Mexico, as well as in Ecuador, Peru, in the Northern region of Argentina, and in the Southwestern United States. Arca Continental is listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange under the ticker “AC.” For more information about Arca Continental, please visit


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