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PetStar Receives 2017 National Quality Award

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Mexico City, June 6, 2018.- President Enrique Peña Nieto awarded the National Quality Award in Manufacturing to PetStar, the largest food grade PET recycling facility in the world and part of the Coca-Cola Mexican Industry. The award recognizes outstanding quality and innovation in a company’s management in support of a culture of excellence that encourages competitiveness and sustainability.

The awarded plaque and medal were received by Alejandro Molina, Chairman of the Board of Directors for PetStar, and by Jaime Cámara, the company’s Chief Executive Officer, during the 28th Awards Ceremony for the National Quality Award at Los Pinos, the Mexican President’s Official Residence. During the ceremony, the company’s Sustainable Business Model was described as an innovative system that is at the same time relevant and competitive, can be replicated, and is sustainable and inspiring.

This project, led by Arca Continental, Coca-Cola de México, Bepensa Bebidas, Corporación del Fuerte, Corporación Rica, Embotelladora del Nayar, and Embotelladora de Colima has proven that managing PET in a sustainable manner and based on the highest quality standards is both viable and profitable.

“With PetStar, the Coca-Cola Mexican Industry and every related bottler have made clear not only their commitment to sustainability but also their determination to continue promoting shared value initiatives that benefit Mexico and the environment,” said Alejandro Molina, Chairman of the Board of Directors for PetStar and Executive Technical and Supply Chain Director for Arca Continental.

With 8 collection plants, one repurposing plant, and the largest food grade PET recycling facility in the world—located in Toluca, Estado de México—PetStar recycles 3,100 million bottles annually, which is equal to filling the Azteca soccer stadium 2.4 times. The bottles are turned into a food grade recycled resin, which can then be used by the bottlers in the Coca-Cola Mexican Industry to produce new packaging.

“This recognition constitutes an endorsement of our commitment to be a top-tier company that drives its own competitiveness and sustainability, proving that the PET collect-and-recycle chain in Mexico is a reality,” said Jaime Cámara, Chief Executive Officer for PetStar. “It also proves that this can be achieved by employing the highest quality standards, maintaining our leadership in sustainable development, and by formalizing the plastic-recycling sector through a circular economy that generates social, environmental, and economic value.”

Mr. Cámara pointed out that with this recognition, PetStar is now a benchmark for companies and organizations in the country that are continually striving to achieve competitiveness, efficiency, profitability, and permanence.

President Enrique Peña Nieto added, “This recognition showcases the innovation, productivity, and sustainability of Mexican companies in our country and in other markets. By awarding the National Quality Award we recognize outstanding companies in terms of institutional excellence.”

Today the Coca-Cola Mexican Industry is the top PET recycler in the country, with a capacity to recycle 65% of the PET used for making other bottles in Mexico.

On average, the beverage PET bottles commercialized by Arca Continental use 28% of recycled resin, and it’s working under the circular economy philosophy which consists of designing packaging that can later become a new bottle.

About PetStar S.A.P.I. de C.V.
PetStar is a Mexican company founded in 2006 that is a benchmark for excellence worldwide and a clear example of sustainability that defines the Coca-Cola Mexican Industry’s commitment to the environment. It is led by Arca Continental, Coca-Cola de México, Bepensa Bebidas, Corporación del Fuerte, Corporación Rica, Grupo Embotellador Nayar, and Embotelladora de Colima, all of whom are bottlers in the Coca-Cola System in Mexico. PetStar has 8 collection plants in Mexico, in addition to the largest food grade PET recycling facility worldwide, making it a unique business model that can carry out the food grade PET packaging recycling process in an efficient, timely, and effective manner in order to benefit the people, the environment, the trash collectors, and the industry itself. For more information about PetStar please visit website

About Arca Continental
Arca Continental is a company dedicated to the production, distribution, and sale of non-alcoholic beverages which are brand names of The Coca-Cola Company as well as salty snacks under the brands of Bokados in Mexico, Inalecsa in Ecuador, and Wise in the United States. With an outstanding track record of more than 92 years, Arca Continental is the second largest Coca-Cola bottling company in Latin America and one of the most important in the world. Within its Coca-Cola franchise, the company serves a population of more than 119 million in the northern and western parts of Mexico as well as Ecuador, Peru, the northern region of Argentina and the Southwestern U.S. Arca Continental is listed on the Mexican Stock Market under the ticker symbol "AC". For further information about Arca Continental, please visit

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