ESG Performance | Social

ESG Performance | Social



We seek to generate value to people, placing them at the center of our strategy with the aim of being able to share a better future together. Through our actions we add to the construction of a better society, from our operations with our employees and with those who integrate the communities where we operate.

  • Employees


    We implement actions and measures to offer employees a safe and healthy work environment, while continuing to promote their development through training and growth initiatives.

    1. Creating a safe working environment

    The fundamental pillar of Arca Continental are its employees, so we identify and execute actions that promote their health and safety and result in conditions of well-being for all the people who make up our company.

    2. Talent attraction, development, and retention

    Attracting, retaining, and developing the best talent is one of the main objectives of Arca Continental, therefore the human and labor rights of all our employees are guaranteed. Through our Comprehensive Compensation System, we seek to standardize equity and competitiveness in the benefits of employees in all business units.

    We constantly offer training options for our employees with the aim of strengthening their professional and personal development. Since 2018, we have executed an annual Workplace Climate Survey in all our operations, which allows us to constantly evaluate the level of satisfaction of our employees in order to direct our actions.

    3. Promoting diversity and equal opportunities

    At Arca Continental we guarantee equal opportunities in all areas of the company, encouraging the incorporation and development of talent regardless of age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, economic situation, or other condition. Our Inclusion and Diversity Policy is global in scope and includes specific commitments and reporting mechanisms.



  • Communities

    Ollas SOS

    The basis of our sustainability vision are our employees. Through their participation in the various institutional initiatives and volunteer activities, where they reaffirm their position as agents of positive change, it is possible to transcend the limits of the organization and maintain a positive relationship with the community.

    In addition to this approach, our Corporate Social Responsibility strategy thrives on focusing on the material issues of the organization through partnerships with companies, governments, and organizations to develop community intervention programs and promote environmental and social development in the following social focus lines of action.

    Social Focus Lines

    Water Stewardship

    Our global water stewardship strategy is comprised of three pillars: efficiency, replenishment of water bodies and access. Towards the community we move forward with the clear focus of being facilitators so that the communities where we operate can have access to clean water. In addition, we are committed to returning more than 100% of the water we use to nature. All this allows us to continue generating shared value for the company, the community, and the environment.

    Inclusive Recycling

    Our leadership in waste management is supported by the different initiatives to include collectors. PetStar, a global leader in PET bottle recycling and an example of circular economy, contributes to global sustainability through its PetStar Sustainable Business Model (MNSP).

    This model, with 26 years of history, integrates from the collection of bottles to the incorporation in new packaging with recycled content. 

    From the social-economic perspective, through the PetStar Inclusive Collection Model (MAIP), social mobility and the recognition of the rights of urban collectors of pet waste are promoted.

    In addition, they work in partnership with other stakeholders to promote child rights to ensure a supply chain free of child labor. At the same time, PetStar ensures that its operations work under a profitability scheme making the price of its recycled resin competitive. In addition, they promotes the generation of direct and indirect jobs for 24,000 urban waste collectors and recoverers.

    Gender Equity

    The company's relationship with the community maintains an approach of inclusion and gender equity. We understand the importance of the integral development of women within society, in all the roles where they choose to play. Therefore, we work to promote their growth with training for clients and family members of employees, in addition to having multiple alliances with different organizations to achieve that objective.

    Community development

    We are aware that businesses grow where communities thrive and that the regions where we operate have deep-rooted social needs that can be improved through entrepreneurship.

    Mom & Pops or small grocery stores are the lifeblood of residential neighborhoods in several Latin American countries. In Mexico alone, they support more than 3 million families, adding value to the national economy.

    These small businesses are run by family microenterprises that make an essential contribution to economic activity and the backbone of the social fabric. At Arca Continental we recognize their importance for the community, as well as its fundamental role in the company's business strategy.


  • Customers

    Hablemos De Tienditas

    We aim to empower our customers, the owners of Mom & Pops or small grocery stores whom we support in their operation, to improve their offering, increase their sales, and be more efficient and competitive. All markets served by Arca Continental have at least one training and empowerment program for our customers.

    The main lines of collaboration and support to our customers are:

    1. Developing capacities
    2. Driving the digitalization of their businesses
    3. Social supports to ensure the continuity of their businesses



  • Consumers


    We know that people's lifestyles and consumption are constantly evolving, so in Arca Continental, together with the global Coca-Cola System, we have established and fulfilled commitments to reduce the caloric footprint of our products, focusing on three main lines of action:

    1. Portfolio diversification and caloric footprint reduction
    2. Product quality assurance
    3. Adoption of principles of responsible marketing



  • Suppliers

    Arca 1-72

    Our vision of sustainability and our commitment to the development of the communities where we operate is reflected in the relationship we maintain with our supply chain, seeking to:

    1. Work with local suppliers.

    2. Achieve the highest standards of quality and efficiency.

    Almost 100% of our suppliers are local, whom we support to achieve the highest standards of quality and efficiency, as well as to operate under a framework of ethical, social and environmental responsibility, with full respect for human rights and consistent with our values.

    To consult our suppliers broken down by country in which we operate and their category, please consult the Sustainable management of the supply chain section of the annexes to our integrated annual report.